Enter the CLIMASCAPE platform... Development of a multi-criteria system for the
adaptation of sites of major archaeological and
touristic interest to the impacts of climate change
- application for selected archaeological sites
enlisted in the World Heritage Catalog of UNESCO.
Ancient Olympia The archeological site of Olympia was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage Sites list in 1989. Ancient Olympia was one of the most famous pan-Hellenic sanctuaries and the seat of the most important games of ancient Greece. More... Delphi The archeological site of Delphi was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage Sites list in 1987. The archeological site of Delphi was a sanctuary of Apollo and the most important oracle of the ancient Greek world. More... Delos Delos was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage Sites list in 1990. Delos is perhaps the only island in the Mediterranean which, despite its very small size, was very important in antiquity. More... Asclepeion of Epidaurus The archaeological site of the Asclepeion of Epidaurus was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1988. The sanctuary of Epidaurus is located on a plain in the Argolid peninsula. Throughout its history it belonged to the maritime city-state of Epidaurus, about eight kilometers to its east. More... Temple of Apollo Epicurius The Temple of Apollo Epicurius at Bassae was the first archaeological site in the country to be inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage Sites List in 1986. The temple of Apollo Epicurius is located at an altitude of 1131 meters above sea level, on a natural plateau of Mount Kotilion with the name Bassae (βᾶσσα or βῆσσα = small valley), on the borders of Arcadia, Triphylia, and Messenia. More... Heraion of Samos The Heraion and the ancient city of Samos (Pythagorion) were inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage Sites list in 1992. The Heraion of Samos is located at the southwestern end of the valley formed by alluvial remains of the river Imvrasos, in the south of the island. More... Mystras Mystras was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage Sites List in 1989: http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/511. The archeological site of Mystras is located about five kilometers west of Sparta, at the foot of Mt. Taygetos. The history of the site begins after the overthrow of the Byzantine Empire by the Latins in 1204 and the fragmentation of its territories. More... Archaeological Site
of Philippi
The archeological site of Philippi was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage Sites list in 2016. The archeological site of Philippi is located in a plain between the mountain range of Orvilos in the north, Mt. Paggaion in the southwest and Mt. Symbolon in the east. More...